Sunday, June 17, 2012

Baby Naps

A moment to be grateful for: 

This morning in church, my precious nephew sat on my lap in the best mood I've seen him in in a long time. He bounced or swayed slightly to the music, looked around amiably at everyone with big, bright blue eyes, and eventually just sat perfectly still facing forward. Gradually, he drifted off to sleep right there in my lap. At one point, he started awake, arms and legs jerking comically, but after looking around, confused, he nuzzled his face deep into the crook of my arm and before long was fast asleep. Incomparable. =) 

I thought of the line in Ben Fold's "Gracie Girl": "I won't move you an inch even though my arm's asleep..." 

I thank you, Father, for that moment. 

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